Regarding Population limits:
The Population limit is ‘per land’ and NOT ‘per player’.
Sail Back:
All ships sail back to the Old World each era during Sail Back (unless they hadn’t sailed to the New World).
Captains and attacking:
Settlers and the Captain must all land on the target tile first before any Attacking takes place. No-one gets to stay on the ship …. ever! The process of sailing and landing all crew also applies to Exploring and Consolidating. The example at the end of Attacking infers this with regard to attacking.
A land occupied by another Captain may not be attacked. This is expressed in the rules Components section when describing Captains, in so much as two Captains may not be in the same land. Captains thereby can play an important defensive role in the game.
Town and City Bonus Benefits:
In both cases a player should choose their own Settler or Town to change into Town or City respectively. Similarly in the Solo game Planck should choose his own Settler or town to change.
Worlds with no City:
If at the end of the game one or more worlds has no City built, then the missing marker(s) – Arts World, Science World, Religion World – is simply placed there. The Basic value for any such Progress Benefits will be zero.
Page 4 top of second column. Please insert the following text:
The first player to sell a particular type of resource to the …. (International Market….)
Page 10 ‘About Support cards’ 2nd paragraph:
Delete ‘Elect Ministers’ (yellow text)
Page 10 ‘About Support cards’ 3rd paragraph:
‘The card may only be used once and is then placed on the player’s Industrial Baron card …’
Please note: a ‘not used’ card must also be placed immediately on the Baron card. No Support cards can ever be held over – they are always a ‘one moment’ happening.
Page 4, second column, first paragraph:
‘If the bottom box is filled, then the player must sell to the Local Market.’
amend to:
‘If the bottom box already has resources placed there, then the player must sell to the Local Market.’
Page 7, column 2, second paragraph:
‘Remember … if there is a suppressed Insurgent in a province, then just ONE resource per set may be transported by boat or railway on the border of that province ….’
amend to:
‘Remember … if there is a suppressed Insurgent in a province, then just ONE resource per set may be transported PER boat or railway on the border of that province ….’
We have decided that it might be best to present these in question and answer format as they usually arise from a question e-mailed to us and then our answer is e-mailed back. As a result they are also in no particular order:
Which are the “Special” cards for bonus points?
‘Special cards are the Special Visitors i.e. the cards having three different coloured suitcases.
Transport – May the +1 visitor be taken at any time during the action of moving visitors from the station (in order to find additional colour-matched visitors)?
Characters – In a game with fewer than 4 players, are the characters which are not selected during set-up out of the game?
Identical attractions – When using the advanced rules, do multiple copies of the same attraction still count for resort bonuses?
No – only one card scores at game end.
Since there are two of each resort card between the two decks, could two players play the same resort?
We left this for players to decide for themselves. Pupils at my school were desperate to be Brighton (which they regularly visit) so we said ‘Yes!’
What is meant by ‘Identical Attractions’?
There are a number of cards that have the same name, colour and picture – for example “Public House” – but with different costs, VPs and visitor numbers.
Are these considered identical for scoring (i.e. only the top version would score)? Or would both score as they have different VP values?
If attraction ‘images’ (this word is not included in the rules) in the same space are the same, then only one of them will count at scoring. Costs, visitor numbers and points may be different.
Just to clarify that the player may choose which of the identical attractions will score (presumably the one having most points!)
When taking visitors of a particular colour can they be taken from both the deck and the display (the platform)?
In the rules it states ‘from the platform or from the top of the deck’. The use of ‘or’ here is not exclusive. You can take from the platform and from the top of the deck.
Can you execute the ‘a last resort’ action (take the top card from the discard) when you have 12 cards in your hand?
No. However in the extremely improbable instance of not being able to build when having 12 cards, then (and only then) could you take the top discard (making a hand of 13 and BOUND to be able to build).
A slight but important amendment to the end game rules - makes the game better and fairer -
'As soon as one player has completed their resort, all players then get one final turn (includes the player who finished the resort first)'.
Equipment cards
Each piece of Equipment can be used on each turn where possible.
The statement 'need to use it at the right time' is purely advisory. Players don't always appreciate the benefits of Equipment at different stages of their walk. Similarly players may miss the opportunities presented by Equipment as other decisions crowd in.
Chocolate and when to double
The Walking Sticks 'add one circle to each walking card'. Chocolate then 'doubles the number of circles .... on the card for that turn'. So the circle is added first before doubling.